If you’re looking for a wrought iron gate or fence in Adelaide it’s important you know the difference between a genuine wrought iron product which will last a lifetime and a cheap and inferior product which will never look the same or last as long. The more Farmweld’s reputation grows the more we hear about the number of businesses in Adelaide advertising wrought iron gates when in fact all they make is panels from thin tubular steel with mass produced cast aluminium spears. It’s surprising how few people recognise the difference between genuine wrought iron gates & fence panels and cheaper tubular products labelled as ‘wrought iron’.
8 Reasons why wrought iron offers better value & quality
Farmweld’s wrought iron gates and fence panels are genuinely hand forged in our own workshop in the Adelaide Hills and made from solid steel. True wrought iron gates will have the following qualities:
- Wrought iron gates are quite heavy and will last decades even if neglected.
- Wrought iron scrolls, hand forged by artist blacksmith, Andrew Hood are made to fit each individual gate.
- You are not limited to any particular design. The options available are endless.
- The lines of a well designed gate will flow smoothly and look balanced – you can’t get this look with pre-fab products.
- Depending on the style, spears are either hand forged or made from cast steel and securely welded into the bar.
- Bars are evenly spaced from one end to the other.
- Minor hammer marks add to the hand crafted look synonymous with wrought iron gates & fencing.
- Wrought iron gates & fence panels can be made to any height or width. You’re not limited to any particular size.

Hand forged wrought iron scrolls will always have minor variations, however it’s important to check to see that the scrolls are as close in shape as possible
Why not just buy a tubular fence or gate?
Inferior tubular products use mass produced aluminium spears inserted into thin tubing and can be easily removed, so they’re easily vandalised. Wrought iron scrolls and rings pre-manufactured, usually from Asia, are welded on ad hoc so they usually just look tacked on. Bars have to be spaced to fit the components, so depending on the length of the gate or fence panel, you could end up with different spacing at either end or you’re stuck with a standard panel or gate length. Cheaper tubular fencing will never look as good or last as long as true wrought iron so regular maintenance will be needed and you’ll have to replace it within 10 years.
If you’re looking to have a wrought iron gate grace the entrance to your home, contact Farmweld today. Site visits can be arranged to assist our Adelaide wrought iron customers. A design service is available. Let us help make your dreams a reality.
I am looking a having a wrought iron gate and fence made and was looking for a basic price (rough idea). the gate will need to be 1m wide and the fence is .5m widenot fussed if it is a double gate. I just want a basic design
any help would be appreciated
Hi Lina, I’ve sent you a couple emails but haven’t heard back from you. Not sure if it’s the work spam filter? Please send me an email at [email protected] Thanks, Tricia.